Meet a Monster Erotica Author – Eve Hugo

On #MonsterMonday, this blog features interviews with the people who write and publish monster erotica. Why Is Monster Erotica So Popular? Well, we know! Today’s author is Eve Hugo.

titleTell me about your stories and the monsters they feature!
My stories center around Alex Kind, a young adventurer who finds out her father was a kind of God, and part of an order of Gods and Monsters called the Dusk Kind.  Once she’s awakened to this, she starts investigating her past and meeting all kinds of strangers.  The aim of the books, which are novellas really, is to combine interesting stories and characters with sexy, sometimes tongue in cheek erotica.  Another goal is to focus on monsters that come from the lore of other real world cultures.  I picked El Chupacabra and Kaala Bandar first because they’re really some of the more recent monsters to show up in world monster lore.  They’re something someone might have heard of, or read about on the internet, but don’t know a lot about.  In other words, they’re open to interpretation, but not completely foreign to readers.  My next stories will contain more obscure monsters, along with a few familiar faces from monster pop culture, hopefully with a new spin.

What do you like to call your category? “Monster erotica”, “beast porn”, something else?
I like Monsterotica, Paranormal Romance and Monsterporn.  They all have a kind of wink-and-nod quality to them that says that I understand this isn’t Tolstoy.  On the other hand, I’m advertising Live Nudes, but I’m trying to deliver a little fine dining along with it.  The characters hopefully have a depth that builds from book to book.  The second book is perhaps a little more dramatic than one would expect from their monster porn, but the hope is that by delivering a compelling story between monster love scenes, it’ll bring readers back.

If there was no such category as monster erotica, what would you call your work?
Probably Monster Adventure Sex Horror Drama.  Or MASHD.  I could go with “GET MASH’D TODAY!” as my subtitle 🙂

Why do you write and read monster erotica? What’s the appeal?
I read it because it’s fun.  I write it because it’s even more fun.  Some folks out there are doing some really strange and interesting things.  I’m not just talking about making out with Bigfoot, which, parenthetically, was the first I’d ever heard of.  I mean, if you don’t count Vampire and Werewolf romance like Twilight, there’s still a broad spectrum of monster erotica out there.  I read a story a little while back about a gingerbread man who wakes up, makes a gingerbread woman, and they have little sexy frosting adventures.  It had a really cute and fantastical ending.  It wasn’t the kind of thing that would get me going, but it was fun to read, and an interesting way to look at the world.  It really broadened what I thought monster erotica could be.

(Here’s the story! The Secret Lives of Gingerbread People by Sara W. Martin. – Celia)

Favorite sexy beast?
It’s hard to say, but so far the most interesting to me has been Alex’s father from book 2, if not Alex herself.  He had some interesting naturalistic powers which made thinking about the kinds of things he could do while making love really fun.  By the end of book 3, Alex can do something really fun things too-things like ghosting through doors and pushing the minds of regular people.  It’s interesting playing with the morality not of the sex itself, but using powers to enhance or influence it.  That’s where some of the drama comes from.  When does it become immoral to seduce a normal when they are unable to resist you?  Alex will struggle with that more and more as time goes on, as the rest of Dusk kind tries to persuade her to disconnect from her humanity.

What else do you write?
I write fiction mostly, and I’m working on a science fiction book that’s somewhere between Neal Stephenson and George RR Martin in form and style.  It’s at around 85,000 words now, and about half done.  There are probably too many characters in it, but I love them all.

Kiss/kill/marry: Bigfoot, a Grey alien, the Loch Ness Monster
Kiss Ness, kill Bigfoot, and marry Grey Alien.  Nessy lives in a gorgeous loch, likes to swim, and the people around there seem to love him.  Bigfoot seems too anti-social.  I’d kill him with kindness and probably smother him with too much affection.  In the end, he’d leave me and seek solace in the forest. I imagine that much later, we could be the kind of friends who occasionally get drunk and regret it the next morning during silent breakfasts.  The Grey Alien is almost certainly the bad boy of my dreams.  He’s got the cool space ship, travels, is open minded enough to date ladies from another planet, and probably probes in the best way possible.  Can you imagine the view from his orbital bedroom?  And those big eyes you just lose yourself in?  Sigh. Put a ring on it.

What’s the best writing advice you ever heard?
Read everything and write every day, even if you think what you’re writing is crap.  Keep writing.  You can go back and edit later.  Write through the bad ideas. Write through the writer’s block.  It’s the only way you’ll get better.  Also, never take the climax away from your protagonist.  I don’t mind teasing a little though. 🙂

Anything else you’d like to say?
“If you obey all of the rules, you miss all of the fun” and “I’d rather be judged by twelve than carried by six”.  The first quote was Katherine Hepburn, and the second quote is Ice Cube.   They’re both saying kind of the same thing to me.   Break the rules, or be broken by them. That’s dangerous, but it’s the only way to live.

About the Author
Eve Hugo has probably lived a hundred lives, but the next incarnation will be the one that gets to brag about their last life.  She exists with the right number of pets somewhere near Seattle.  Fleeing is not an option.  Check out her website for links to her books on Amazon:

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Meet a Monster Erotica Author – Jessica Satin

On #MonsterMonday, this blog features interviews with the people who write and publish monster erotica. Why Is Monster Erotica So Popular? Well, we know! Today’s author is Jessica Satin.

coverlowresTell me about your stories and the monsters they feature!
My first erotica story is The Ravishing of Beauty. It’s inspired by the Disney version of Beauty and the Beast. Of course, the Beast in my story has some beastly tastes his Disney counterpart doesn’t. My favorite part is that Belle shares his tastes. They are a sadistically twisted couple.

I’m also working on Ravished by Hercules, which follows Hercules and Megara as they complete the twelve labors together while enjoying lots of intense sex. They encounter the Nemean lion, Lernaean hydra, Erymanthian boar, Cretan bull, and of course Cerberus, the three-headed dog. Each of the beasts plays a role in their love making, often in unexpected ways.

What do you like to call your category? “Monster erotica”, “beast porn”, something else?
I write fairtytale and mythological erotica, so beasts and monsters are natural parts of those worlds. I think any of the names for the category are great—monster erotica, beast porn, bestiality. I find it fascinating how different people define “bestiality,” such as it only qualifies if the beast isn’t sentient. Personally, I think it’s bestiality if the sex is between a human and a non-human creature, even if the creature is otherwise sentient like humans. Then again, it doesn’t truly matter to me how it’s defined, as long as everyone is enjoying themselves.

If there was no such category as monster erotica, what would you call your work?
Beastly sexy time stories. Jokes aside, I suppose I would call it beast erotica.

Why do you write and read monster erotica? What’s the appeal?

I’ve often wondered this, especially when I found out about dinosaur porn. I think there’s something very appealing about a powerful beast who has your life in his hands and chooses to give you great pleasure rather than kill you. It’s almost a parody of the large, dominating man.

I also think there’s an appeal to the fantasy—you could never have sex with dragons, bulls, or aliens, but in stories, you can imagine what it might be like. It appeals to both our eager sexual desires and the pleasure we derive from our imagination. There’s humor in it too—is it possible to take dinosaur porn seriously? It’s so fun and ridiculous.

Favorite sexy beast?
Are there any non-sexy ones? I’d have to choose dragons. Preferably Smaug with Benedict Cumberbatch’s voice.

What else do you write?
I’ve also written a new adult romance novel, but I think I might just make it sluttier and publish it as romantic erotica. It’s a Paris love story with a bad-boy James-Dean type man and some hot teacher/student action.

Kiss/kill/marry: Bigfoot, a Grey alien, the Loch Ness Monster
Fuck Bigfoot (sorry, have to go there), kill the Grey alien, marry the Loch Ness Monster.

What’s the best writing advice you ever heard?
Write every day. Even if it’s just for five minutes, committing to your story and your career as a writer is essential. It also feels so good to know that you wrote that day, even if it was just a little.

Anything else you’d like to say?
Love your imagination, let it take you places you never dared go before. I recently had a dream that I was in a sexual situation with the Nemean lion and a big white bull (Zeus in bull form, according to the mythology). It’s so liberating to explore uncharted terrain in your mind. Of course, reading some dirty, shocking stories can help with this too 😉

About the Author
Jessica Satin is a young woman living in a big city with her boyfriend and two fluffy cats. Her first erotic fairy tale, The Ravishing of Beauty (of Beauty and the Beast, of course) has met with rave reviews. Ravished by Hercules is coming soon!

Follow Jessica on Twitter @JessicaSatin. She loves hearing from her readers!

Jessica also posts a mix of dirty and beautiful photos and gifs on her Tumblr:

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Meet a Monster Erotica Author – Interview With Dana Bowman

On #MonsterMonday, this blog features interviews with the people who write and publish monster erotica. Why Is Monster Erotica So Popular? Well, we know! Today’s author is Dana Bowman.

creatures cover copyTell me about your stories and the monsters they feature!
My stories have wandered all over the place, but I’ve discussed all kinds of tentacular creatures (including one that was really more of a machine), shifters, strange vampiric women who like to turn their victims into latex-wrapped creatures… I’d say my only real flaw is not having been able to sit down and really develop a long story line, just a few trilogies, like my three stories (so far!) with Catrine and the “Purloined Princess” set. Oh well! You have to follow your muse, I suppose.
That said, I’d say Lieselotte – the lady vampire I mentioned above – is my most original concept. I’ve wanted to do more with her…

What do you like to call your category? “Monster erotica”, “beast porn”, something else?
I’d say “monster erotica” is a good term – it’s helpful to the reader, and it’s rather alluring too. After all, “monster” doesn’t have to mean something gross… Frankenstein’s creation in the original novel was quite the romantic hero, in his way.

If there was no such category as monster erotica, what would you call your work?
I think I’d say erotic fantasy. Which can include science fiction, of course; sci-fi’s really just fantasy with (some of the time) more strictly defined rules. It also covers even my more “mundane” stories nicely- they’re erotic fantasies too, after all.

Why do you write and read monster erotica? What’s the appeal?
Mm. Well, I write it because it thrills me. There’s something about the strange and the monstrous that is attractive on some level… I think whenever we watch horror movies, part of us is always tempted by the monster. Even when it’s something utterly inhuman, there’s always a certain pathos that I think attracts us. And, of course, fear and arousal often seem to go hand in hand.

I read monster erotica for mostly the same reasons *grin*.

Favorite sexy beast?
I haven’t had the chance to write a story about them… but I’d have to say that the octopus would be the winner. I’m sure you’ve seen those old Japanese woodcut paintings? The obvious tension in the captive woman’s body, as well as those strangely expressive eyes and those glistening limbs…

What else do you write?
Mostly erotica! I have a few projects – mostly concepts – for more conventional novels… but I’m not sure how far they’ll end up going. Even so, I’ve written a lot of wide-ranging stories; I did a master collection, just for fun, and I’ve written a total of thirty-five on oh, all sorts of topics.

Kiss/kill/marry: Bigfoot, a Grey alien, the Loch Ness Monster
What an excellent question. This one has taken me a while.

But I think I’d kiss Bigfoot, in honor of dear Ms. Wade’s work, and also just to confirm to myself that he’s real. Besides which, I’d love to whisper to him just how popular he’d become – and I admit that he’d be someone that might be fun to do a bit more than kiss.

The Loch Ness Monster, I’m afraid I’d have to kill. I don’t really have any animosity to poor Nessie, but I also admit that he’s been sneaking around the old Loch for quite a long time. I’d arrange it, I think, so that we’d fake his death and return him to the sea, where he could swim happily in waters that weren’t so peaty, and find his own love. Or, at least, travel to Iceland and marry Bjork.

And I’d marry the grey. I know that’s a little unusual, but I feel that we should look at what they’re doing. They like to hunt beef – certainly. They’re rather promiscuous and assertive… certainly. But they’re also clearly interested in families, and in the inner beauties of those who they find. And I can forgive quite a few crop circles and battles with Will Smith if it means I’ll get to make love in a spaceship… Just don’t forget the probe, darling!

What’s the best writing advice you ever heard?
“If you do it a hundred times, you’ll find it hard. [No snickering from the peanut gallery…] If you do it a thousand times, you’ll find it easy. And if you do it ten thousand times, you’ll find it’s effortless.”

Less pithily: Write every day. Even if it’s just a little bit, even if it’s in stories you’ll never share. (I have perhaps fifteen stories that I stopped partway through, but every single one was fun to write and a creative inspiration.)

Anything else you’d like to say?
I want to give my heartfelt thanks to everyone who’s read my stories. Whatever you thought of them – even if you returned them later – it is a profoundly humbling thing to know that someone has chosen you, yes YOU, to be the one they let into their heart (and other private parts). I couldn’t do it – if you’ll forgive the phrasing – without you.

About the Author

Dana Bowman is a crafty creatrix of darkly delightful tales of thrilling, sometimes twisted, often transgressive erotica. Follow her on Twitter at @TheDanaBowman and examine her offerings at

Try out her compilation of nine stories of monstrous and exotic erotica – “Creatures of the Night”:
Or a collection of thirty-four stories in “Dana’s Delightful Dirty Diary”:

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Meet a Monster Erotica Author – Interview with Natalie Deschain

On #MonsterMonday, this blog features interviews with the people who write and publish monster erotica. Why Is Monster Erotica So Popular? Well, we know! Today’s author is Natalie Deschain.

werewolfpiratessmall - CopyTell me about your stories and the monsters they feature!
Most of my monster stories are about werewolves, followed by minotaurs and dragons and some tentacles here and there, and the occasional oddball that doesn’t fit with those others. I’ve written stories with futanari wood nymphs that lactate honey and four-armed alien beasties and all sorts of other things. Most of my longer stories have a romantic plot line- the main character is initially frightened of the monster but discovers a human, vulnerable side to them under their rough exterior, or discovers that someone close them, like their husband, is a monster in disguise.

I mainly write short stories under ten thousand words, but I have three novellas out: Night of the Monsters (, The Devilish Devices of Doctor Dionysus (, and the newly published Werewolf Pirates! ( My first and so far only novel, Luna Holdings (, came out last October and has earned itself a small following, despite (or maybe because of) a pretty strange premise. I’m currently working on another one, though I can’t say when it will be done.

What do you like to call your category? “Monster erotica”, “beast porn”, something else?
Monster erotica, I suppose. The monsters have animal characteristics, but it’s just that- characteristics. At heart they’re manly men, turned up to eleven.

If there was no such category as monster erotica, what would you call your work?
Paranormal erotica or erotic horror. I usually don’t use the erotic horror label just because my work isn’t really horror so much as fantasy that’s a little rough around the edges.

Why do you write and read monster erotica? What’s the appeal?
There’s a kind of real romance to it that I enjoy, even if I don’t call myself a romance writer despite writing tons and tons of love stories. The monsters don’t hold back and play games. If they want the heroine they make it very clear and when the barrier is broken between them there’s this really hot, really intense moment of giving in.

My heroines are usually unsatisfied in some way. Their new husband hasn’t touched them sexually or their partner is reluctant to fulfill their desire to be a little rougher in the bedroom or they just feel unsatisfied with the regular guys all around them and then here comes the monster who’s rough and tough and, pardon my French, more than willing to fuck the shit out of them… but is also really lonely and sad and needs a companion. Monsters can be the ultimate boyfriend. I like being pampered as much as anybody, but sometimes a girl just needs it fast and rough, you know?

There’s something about the physical aspect too. I see my monsters as sad and beautiful. In their own way they’re as hurt and vulnerable as the heroine. She needs somebody who’s not afraid of hurting her, who treats her as a person and doesn’t put her up on this bullshit pedestal that holds her to an impossible standard, and he needs somebody who isn’t afraid of him, who can look past appearances. I often write my monsters, especially werewolves, as these beautiful, strange, elegant creatures that are both beast and man and more than the sum of their parts.

They don’t get up and leave after the deed is done, either. My favorite part of the story is often the afterglow, where the heroine is stroking her werewolf’s fur (or is transforming herself) or escaping with him on his alien spaceship or what have you and they’re really happy together now, freed from their fears. I guess you could say I like the idea of spooning with the werewolf as much as getting pinned down and taken for a ride.

If I can be really honest here, my fascination with monsters goes way back and I saw them as sympathetic when I was young, and as I grew up that sympathy turned into a more, ah, carnal interest as I got older. It’s a romantic thing really, in the grand old sense of the word “romance”. Monsters are sad, monsters are scary, monsters don’t fit in the world and just want to be accepted. Don’t we all?

Favorite sexy beast?
Werewolves. I like werewolves a lot. I like the idea of being with this warm, affectionate partner that’s very protective and I can get into that mood pretty easily and write that kind of story from the heart. I write a lot of stories where the heroine gets a love bite during the sex and winds up turning into a werewolf herself, which usually means sprouting ears and a tail. Sometimes I even present lycanthropy as sexually transmitted, kind of a metaphor for the heroine’s sexual awakening.

I just think it’s adorable, and the whole idea of the werewolf and his mate type thing can be rough and yet so cute and endearing at the same time, and there’s this idea of the interplay and the heroine releasing her own inner beast and taming this monster with her sexual prowess.

What else do you write?
I’ve dabbled in many things. Most recently I’ve been dabbling in gender swap and transgender erotica, and I have a few lactation stories out now; I’m just getting my feet wet with those and plan to do more in the future. Of all the different genres I’ve been writing in my second favorite is definitely the gender swap, because there’s this element of humor and magic to it and some of the stories are a little bondage-ey but they’re still fun and sexy in way that’s hard to capture with other subject matter. I usually only write something if I “get it”, either I find the idea arousing myself or if I can understand why someone would.

I come back to the futanari (woman with a penis) theme a lot. I’ve always wondered what it would be like to have one. I’m pretty sure I’d end up running around poking people with it.

I also write a lot of male/male erotica. I write way more of it than I actually publish.

Kiss/kill/marry: Bigfoot, a Grey alien, the Loch Ness Monster
This is a tough one.

Kill: Grey alien. I’ve written two stories with greys, and I thought they were okay, but I’m personally terrified of them.

Kiss: Bigfoot. I’m up for a one night stand but I don’t want to live in the woods.

Marry: Loch Ness Monster, but only if he turns me into a cute mermaid or something, I don’t want to drown. I bet the Loch Ness Monster is hung like the Loch Ness Monster.

What’s the best writing advice you ever heard?
Two things: Stephen King says to write, you must read. He says a writer should spend an equal amount of time writing and reading, so if you have an eight hour work day, that’s four hours writing and four hours reading. I don’t schedule it that rigidly, but I read a lot and I read more than just the type of material I’m writing. Ideas are everywhere.

Secondly, write more. I can’t remember who, but somebody said you should write a million words before you try to publish anything. I would only change that by saying, don’t hide it. You can’t grow as a writer until other people have seen your work. No one will see it like you, and you can’t see it like them. I even miss some pretty boneheaded typos that way. Do go for the million words, though. I keep track, and since January I’ve written almost a half a million words. If I total everything I’ve written and published so far it’s almost two million words and that’s not counting unpublished material going all the way back to when I was a teenager.

Seriously, the best advice is go for it. Write write write and write some more, and if at first you don’t succeed, write more.

Anything else you’d like to say?
I am perpetually astonished and grateful that my work has been so well received. I cherish every review, even the critical ones, and I love hearing from my readers.

About the Author

Natalie Deschain has been writing and publishing erotic fiction since 2012. The author of over 120 short stories, three novellas and a novel, she lives with a cat, a boyfriend who looks at her funny when she asks him to howl for her, and a really expensive mechanical keyboard that is on the verge of breaking from all those words. She can be reached at or on twitter @NatalieDeschain. Sign up for her newsletter at

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Meet a Monster Erotica Author – Interview with Eden Redd

On #MonsterMonday, this blog features interviews with the people who write and publish monster erotica. Why Is Monster Erotica So Popular? Well, we know! Today’s author is Eden Redd.

DemonicDTell me about your stories and the monsters they feature!
I have several different creatures I like to feature. Currently I am working on my Kaiju Seduction series. I am a big fan of Godzilla, Gamera and the old black and white films like Attack of the 50 foot woman and Them! Giant monsters need love too. My other series, Sexy Monster Wives, is more about classic movie monsters like the Bride of Frankenstein, Dracula and the Creature from the Black Lagoon. I have a big soft spot for sea serpents. My first published story, Sea Serpent Sexy, is really a true labor of love. That story is more romantic then my other stories which tend to be more lustful.

What do you like to call your category? “Monster erotica”, “beast porn”, something else?
Monster Erotica is pretty spot on. I like Monster Porn as well. You can never have enough monster porn.

If there was no such category as monster erotica, what would you call your work?
I would call it Lustful Fantasy or Romantic Fantasy, depending on the story and mood. Erotica is pretty much fantasy anyway. But I am not really about labels. In a nutshell, I like writing sexy monster stories.

Why do you write and read monster erotica? What’s the appeal?
It’s fun and therapeutic. I was terribly shy for a long time. Talking about sex was tough and writing about it was tougher. My fantasies tend to go to some strange places and never really had an outlet for it. Slowly I came out of my shell and decided to put myself out there sort of. Monster Erotica is fun because you get to live out fantasies you may not necessarily happen in real life.

Favorite sexy beast?
First favorite is Sea serpents. Second favorite is tied with kaiju and classic monsters. Third favorite is demons and ghosts. Fourth favorite is humans.

What else do you write?
Sci-fi, horror, fantasy are the top three with me. I have this love/hate relationship with Shakespeare’s Macbeth and Hamlet. It is very difficult to write erotica and not end it with everyone dying. So far I think I am doing okay. I only have one story, Hotel Cali, where it ends on a dark note. I try to write happy endings for all.

Kiss/kill/marry: Bigfoot, a Grey alien, the Loch Ness Monster
I would kiss Bigfoot for bragging rights and tell Virginia Wade that I made it happen. I don’t like hairy guys but I am sure Bigfoot is a good kisser with those primal lips.

I am still in a relationship with Nessie. I routinely look for any updates/articles on Nessie. I have been doing this since I was ten. If Nessie came to me and asked, I would shout “Yes!” We would marry on the edge of Loch Ness Lake. We would grow old and have little lake monster babies. I would never tell Nessie about my affairs with the giant squid. The giant squid would push me to leave Nessie but I would say “Never!We have a bond you couldn’t understand. You are only here to please me so get on with it.”

I would kill the grey aliens. Have you seen how many times they tried to take over our planet? They kill our livestock and abduct people. They make crop circles to mess with farmers. They blow up our monuments and cities. They want our water, famous actors and sometimes our flesh. Fight the Grey Alien Threat!

What’s the best writing advice you ever heard?
“Keep writing until it hurts and then write some more.”

“Writing, much like love, does not happen overnight. It is a relationship you work night and day until you are both so entwined you cannot tell each other apart. You have become one and with a deep understanding of the universe.”

Anything else you’d like to say?
Just an erotica observation; Insert rod A into slot B. Slide rod A into slot B until both rod A and slot B explode. :J

About the Author

My name is Eden Redd. I have a supernatural lust for anything involving monsters. I am just a fun loving creature and want to share my dark carnal desires with the world. Titillation and pleasure is one theme I love to explore but also love a good sexy story. Throw in some monsters and you have one hell of a party.

So browse, read and write me.

Links to my stories:

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Meet a Monster Erotica Author – Interview with Tawny Savage

On #MonsterMonday, this blog features interviews with the people who write and publish monster erotica. Why Is Monster Erotica So Popular? Well, we know! Today’s author is Tawny Savage.

Bigfoot Claims His Mate Cover with no eyes 200 by 300Tell me about your stories and the monsters they feature!
At the moment, I’m working on the final installment of my Bigfoot Chronicles trilogy. Besides the obvious, the true monsters in these stories are the humans. I have plans for novellas centered around demons, a Minotaur, mermen, gargoyles and one of my childhood nightmares…puppets.

I prefer creatures that are more humanoid or at closer to the size of a human so I can wrap my head around how they’d have sex together. Others can tackle the extra large creatures. 😉

What do you like to call your category? “Monster erotica”, “beast porn”, something else?
I like most of them out there: monster erotica, bigfoot erotica/porn, beast love, taboo erotica and dark fantasy erotica.

If there was no such category as monster erotica, what would you call your work?
taboo erotica or dark fantasy erotica would be my choice if I couldn’t categorize it as monster erotica.

Why do you write and read monster erotica? What’s the appeal?
I like the shocked looks I get from people when I tell them what I write. LOL! Seriously, I love the fact there are no rules. There isn’t some group out there telling me I have to have a happily ever after or that I can only have one sexual encounter per fifty pages. I can write the story as short or as long as I want it to be. I can explore some of my own deep, dark fantasies through my characters. It doesn’t get any better than that!

Favorite sexy beast?
Bigfoot is by far my number one. Then there are those sex crazed Centauri from Babylon 5…and of course there are those fabulous dragons. *sigh*

What else do you write?
I pretty much stick to the taboo, monster, dark fantasy erotic but I’m actually one of four pen names. Under two others I write poetry and erotic romance (M/F, M/M, F/F, and ménage). I also have a “good girl” pen name who has a free read on her blog at the moment. It’s a romantic suspense. “Our” evil day job is as a full time veterinarian. Makes for a very busy day let me tell you!

Kiss/kill/marry: Bigfoot, a Grey alien, the Loch Ness Monster
Kill the alien, kiss Loch Ness Monster and marry Bigfoot. LOL!

What’s the best writing advice you ever heard?
Write what you know and what brings your heart happiness. The best promotion is a large back list so get crackin’!

Anything else you’d like to say?
Thank you for having me here today. I’ve had a lot of fun talking about my favorite monsters and my writing.

About the Author

Tawny Savage has always enjoyed reading and writing taboo erotica that can bring all of our deepest darkest fantasies to life. Her tales aren’t for the faint of heart and won’t always have the happily ever after ending. You’ll laugh, cry and want to beat the hell out of some of her characters and that’s just fine with Tawny. She’ll help you do it!

Join her for a ride you’ll never forget! Go ahead and drop a line to her through her publisher , connect with her on Twitter @Tawny_Savage or check out her website Erotic Tales from Tawny Savage.

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